Our Gardens

The Albemarle Inn, a property of almost 2 acres, is nestled into the base of Sunset Mountain. Center to the property is of course the Inn itself, a massive Stone and white clapboard structure, built in 1909 in the Classic Greek Revival Style. Its impressive Corinthian columns and wide stone veranda evoke the image of a Southern Mansion, where one enjoys daily reposes outside as much as inside.

Surrounding the Inn is our expansive lawn and gardens, creating picturesque and tranquil spaces within the property. The extensive English style borders and flower beds provide a mix of perennial and annual shrubs, bulbs and flowering plants.

Guests enjoy the gardens and its ever changing color and blooms for nearly 8 months of the year. Seasonal blooms are beautiful and glorious, from the first crocus of Spring to the last golden leaf gently falling, twirling in the air as it departs its majestic Oak tree.

The grounds are a part of the Albemarle experience: Enjoy the morning sun in the herb garden, listening to the birds as the day awakens around you. Later, sit in the afternoon shade of the evergreens and take in the tranquility which envelopes you in our gardens.

Even winter in the garden is a beautiful and tranquil time. While the floral and herb gardens sleep, the evergreens have their time to shine. Mature holly, spruce and fir trees preside over the property to greet our guests at Holiday time... perhaps even covered with a light snowfall on Christmas Eve.